Food menu

lemony pork dish ................................. 4.50
chicken roll with honey & mustard sauce......... 4.50
seafood dish (sardines, tsiros, octopus) ............. 6.50
herring salad .......................................... 4.00
homemade cured sardines .................... 2.50
giant beans [Gigandes] ......................... 4.00
black eyed beans salad ......................... 4.00
houmous ................................................ 4.00
fava with caramelized onions ............... 4.00
potato salad ........................................... 3.00
carrot salad ............................................ 2.50
sweet red pepper salad.......................... 2.50
garlicky parsley salad............................ 2.50
dakos (dried bread with chopped tomatoes & feta ..... 4.00
rose tomato salad.................................. 3.00
bruschette with sundried tomato pesto  2.50
cured meat mixed dish.......................... 3.50
apaki (cretan smoked pork) .................. 3.00
cheese mixed dish ................................ 3.00
blue cheese with garlic bread ............... 3.00
spicy cheese cream .............................. 2.50
mixed plate (cuccumber, tomato, cheese, cured
cheese, meat, smoked meat, potato salad, egg, cream cheese,
pickles, olives) ....................................... 5.00
mixed plate vegeterian/ vegan............... 4.50
baby tapas dish....................................... 2.00
cheese & turkey toastie.......................... 2.00